External Hard Drives for Audio Production Recording & Mixing
There are a lot of hard drive options out there and as technology advances, the options keep getting better and better. The main thing to consider is the transfer rate that will send information back and forth to your computer. Most DAWs require a drive that rotates at a minimum 7200 rpm for audio. Of all the dries that the studio has used over the years. Glyph has been the one that outshines them all. We started with those Glyph Key hot-swappable drives that were easy to move from studio to home and be able to take our work with us to keep ahead of deadlines. Now everything is much more streamlined. The Blackbox series from Glyph has been rock solid for us over the past few years. The rotating drives offer a lot of storage for a very reasonable price. You can snag up to 10TB for under $330. That’s a lot of storage space! The 2TB option is listed here and is a great starting point for any engineer.
If you want to up your game a bit, you should look at Solid State Drives. These rugged drives do not have a rotating disc, but instead have flash memory that can be recalled instantly. The price point on these SSD drives is a bit more because of the new technology, but they are worth every penny. This 1TB model is very slim and slender and travels quite well. We have one that goes with the mobile recording setup and it has performed admirably. Priced at $199.95, this drive is affordable for the amount of time you will save on your workflow. If you need to move your setup on a regular basis, I would suggest that you consider the SSD version. You will have a rugged drive that can take a few bangs and jolts and keep performing at the level any professional demands.