Shine On Studio provides high quality recording services for Voice Over and Podcasting. Our selection of microphones and preamps will provide the clean and clear audio quality that you need for your podcast. You can set up a session to record at our studio through the Booking page.
GoFundMe.com has been working on a podcast series to share some incredible stories. The True Stories of Good People podcast has been interviewing extraordinary people that have been fundraising for noble causes. Some of these podcasts have been recorded right here at Shine On Studio. It has been a pleasure working with the creator and host of the Podcast, Kelsea Little. It is truly impressive how people can come together and all contribute to making a change in our communities. Check out the full podcast episodes and learn more about how these thoughtful people are working to make the world a better place.
We've been hard at work tracking Glynn Washington (Snap Judgement) for the new Heaven's Gate podcast. Engineer David Hughes has been working with Midroll and Pineapple Street Media on this epic journey into the world of one of America's most obscure cults. The all episodes of the podcast are available now on Stitcher.com. Check out the podcast and find out more about the cult that is responsible for the largest mass-suicide in American history.
I recently sat down with Johnny Harper to talk about his life in music and the release of his debut CD. Johnny has been involved with music for decades and his passion is fueled by New Orleans R&B.
We use Audello - The Traffic Getting, List Building Podcast Platform (view mobile) Get In Front Of A Huge Audience, Build Targeted Lists and Create Big Customer Lists Using The Power Of Podcasting and The Podcast Distribution Networks. Huge Commissions! By The Creators Of The CB Monster 7 Figure Smash Hit, Easyvideosuite! Click Here to learn more!
Behringer USB Podcast Studio
Start your own podcast and let the world hear what you have to say. This is a complete package that gives you a dynamic mic, tabletop mic stand, XLR mic cable, Xenyx 502 personal mixer, headphones, and USB connection to your computer. This bundle also includes software to record and edit your podcast, but if you already have software, you can use this gear with your existing system. The mixer has inputs for an external audio source if you want to connect an audio device to add sound effects or music. Priced at $99 this is everything you need to get your podcast out to the world.
Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920
When you need to do a video recording for your blog or website, this little guy will give you performance and quality for a very reasonable price. The picture quality is HD and the mic has a built in noise reduction feature that helps cut down on the ambient noise. You can record calls with SKYPE or use another 3rd party software to capture your screen. Works with Windows or OSX.