Voice Over & Podcasts
Recording and editing services are available for all styles of voice over work.
Voice Over recording is one of our specialties. We have a booth set up for making your session run smoothly. There are many mic options and we can record up to 4 mics at once so you can choose the one that works best for your voice. We can also patch directly into the headphone mixer any remote producers via Source Connect, Session Wire, SKYPE, Zoom, or other internet service.
Once the recordings are completed, we also offer services for editing and post-production of your VO recordings. We can trim, cut, remove plosives, EQ, add music, add sound effects, and give your production a professional finish.
Vocalists & Song Writers
Work directly with our staff of creative engineers to discuss and explore the potential that your music can achieve. Our mic selection and experience of recording vocals will give you the right sound for your music. Our engineers can set up the right mic or mics for your recording to give you a professional sound. We’ll get you setup in the booth for a smooth and comfortable session. We can also try different recording techniques to see what the possibilities of sound can be.
BANDS & Live Instrument Recording
Recording is by far the most important part of making music. Capturing the soul and emotion of a musical performance is not just as simple as putting a mic in front of an instrument or amp. Proper mic placement and input signal are the main ingredients for a good foundation to a solid mix. At Shine On Studio, we will professionally record your music with sonic clarity and dynamic detail. When it comes time to mix, we'll spend time enhancing your music and not fixing problems with the original recording. When your base tracks already sound great, mixing is quite enjoyable and can inspire new ideas to mold and shape the music. Our team of specialized engineers will help you achieve the quality of sound you're seeking.
If you need to hire session musicians, we can handle that for you. We have a network of talented musicians that can work with you to rehearse and perform your music for the recording sessions. Please contact us before booking a session if you need to hire session musicians.
There is a 2 hour minimum for these sessions.
After the session
We can upload all your files and session folders directly to our cloud for easy access for everyone involved in the project. All clients should bring a USB or Firewire hard drive to store the digital media files from the studio sessions. Shine On Studio is not responsible for storage of any recordings or digital media. We will keep files on our drives while the projects are active. However, we are not responsible for any loss of data.
DAVID HUGHES | Pro Tools Expert
At Shine On Studio, we like to work a little differently. I like to experience the music and let it guide me to where it wants to go. As the engineer, I’m engaged in your project and want to inspire and fuel the creative process. The focus is to produce quality recordings that will last the test of time and be cherished by all the generations to follow. Our staff of engineers and creative minds are invested in your music and we want to bring out the full potential of your artistic vision. Through a steady process of sculpting and shaping the sound, we will work together to make the sound an experience that embraces emotions and becomes a unique experience for the listener. You are not just a client, you are a part of our family and community.
Good musicians can really make an impact on an album. Christopher is one of the extremely talented musicians that we've worked with in the Bay Area. His main skills are percussion and bass guitar, but he’s accomplished at song writing and composing. Singer / Songwriters can rejoice and relax knowing that one of the best musicians in the Bay Area is available to lay down tracks on your project. Just contact the studio for details on hiring this professional studio musician.
CHRISTOPHER RUIZ | Professional Studio Musician